Resources stories

5 Must-Try Chrome Extensions for Testing Responsive Web Designs

Exploring the world of browser extensions for better responsive design testing can be quite an adventure. There’s a whole universe of tools out there, each boasting its own array of features. Yet, some truly useful extensions don’t always get the spotlight they deserve, even though they can be incredibly effective in boosting your website’s testing.

A CSS framework for recreating Windows 7 UI

7.css is a CSS framework for building interface components that look like Windows 7.

Color Magic Generator for Tailwind

Simplify your design process by effortlessly generating Tailwind CSS color schemes on the fly.

Advanced Figma: Prototyping & Color Insight

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.

WCAG 2.0 Checklist for UX Designers

As UXers are often not coders, this presents issues when deciphering what issues we should document from a UX perspective when reviewing sites for accessibility concerns.

Exploring Design Systems with Nathan Curtis and Ben Callahan

Smashing Members discussion on Design Systems on April 4. Moderated by Smashing Magazine’s Geoff Graham.

10 Best Websites for Free Tailwind Templates

This is a roundup of the best websites where you can find and download free Tailwind templates. We’re focusing on vanilla JS templates that don’t use any frameworks. These high quality items will power up your websites, landing pages, blogs, portfolios, ecommerce and dashboards.

Exciting Updates: Next-Gen Generative AI in Photoshop

Today, we’re thrilled to announce the next generation of generative AI in the Photoshop (beta) app — with the new Text to Image feature, a greatly improved Generative Fill experience powered by the latest Firefly Image 3 Model, and a suite of new generative AI features and expanded controls that empower you to create higher quality results, more easily. Additionally, we’re bringing improvements to core workflows that complement and expand…

Choosing Your Design Business Identity: Name vs. Company

It’s not uncommon for agencies to ask freelancers not to mention their employment status or even ask that you imply that you’re full-time when you interact with their client. Especially if the agency has a great reputation in regards to the quality of the service you are providing.

Stunning Mockups in Seconds: Harnessing AI Technology

As a designer, presenting your work in the most creative and appealing way is crucial to winning over clients. This is where you can utilize AI-powered mockup generators, as they provide a fast, efficient solution to creating attractive mockups.

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