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Essential Terms for Visual Design Explained

Visual design requires knowledge and understanding of many jargon terms. Use this glossary as a reference as you delve into visual and user interface design.

Chatbots vs. Humans: Which Do Users Really Prefer?

Customer service interactions are increasingly relying on chatbots. Most providers are exploiting new AI advancements and replacing human workforce with chatbots to reduce costs. But what is the impact of this on the user experience? And when, if ever, do users prefer interacting with a chatbot over a human?

Building a Winning Design Team

Simply having a design team doesn’t guarantee success. You must create the right conditions for your team if you want them to produce their best work. This is where having a solid team structure becomes essential.

Essential UX Practices for Your Next Project

Excited to start your new UX projects? Congrats!! Let me tell you some of the best practices that really worked for me in my UX career. This article is intended to help UX professionals who are contributing to the project.

Redefining Responsive Design: Alternatives to CSS Media Queries

Many of the latest CSS features released in the past several years are designed to write “smarter” styles that apply when they meet certain conditions, many of which are directly related to responsive design. What does this mean for media queries?

Unboxing the Future: Must-Have Gadgets for 2024

In a world driven by innovation, uncovering the future feels like unwrapping a gift from time itself. Imagine a realm where gadgets seamlessly integrate into our daily routines, turning ordinary tasks into extraordinary experiences.

Boilerplate Builder – Loopple

A template builder designed to simplify your development process

The Untold Story of Emojis

During my research into vintage Japanese drawing software, I came across some devices that had built-in sketch or handwritten memo functions. I bought a couple of them to see if they did anything cool or interesting.

Color contrast tester

Contrast is the difference in luminance or color that makes an object (or its representation in an image or display) distinguishable. In visual perception of the real world, contrast is determined by the difference in the color and brightness of the object and other objects within the same field of view.

Photoshop and AI: Combining Creativity with Technology

The tasks that took hours and days to complete can now be done in just a few seconds with some text prompts, allowing even complete beginners to create unique art and graphics without having to watch Photoshop tutorials or take expensive courses.

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